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Swollen Lymph Node question?

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Swollen Lymph Node question?
I have a tooth abscess on my right side that I need to get taken care of. However I noticed a swollen lymph node on my left side under my chin that feels tender, is there a possibilty that this abscess is causing a lymph node to swell on the opposite I have a tooth abscess on my right side that I need to get taken care of. However I noticed a swollen lymph node on my left side under my chin that feels tender, is there a possibilty that this abscess is causing a lymph node to swell on the opposite side? Or should I be looking for something else? >

Best answer:
3 months ago
Also I had my 2 wisdom teeth on the left side (same side as the lymph node) taken out and the dentist said they were infected. The left side of my cheek still feels like its kinda of swollen, could that be it?
Best answer:
3 months ago
That was about a month ago.
Best answer:
Lymphatic drainage does not cross the midline, so look for something else. I think you have identified one possible cause in your recent wisdom tooth extraction, as the lymph nodes take a while to return to normal, but do not rule out the possibility that another tooth is starting to go bad...
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