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Why do humans outlive their own teeth by so many years?

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Why do humans outlive their own teeth by so many years?
It appears as if humans are living longer and longer. But their teeth still start to rot away at a relatively young age. If I have one beef with our creator, it is that the creator (God or whoever to choose to recognize as your creator) designed our It appears as if humans are living longer and longer. But their teeth still start to rot away at a relatively young age. If I have one beef with our creator, it is that the creator (God or whoever to choose to recognize as your creator) designed our teeth so poorly. The longevity of them is ridiculously short. Sure, there are a few amazing exceptions here and there. sometimes you run across a senior that has never had a cavity. But I and many others take care of their teeth obsssively and STILL I have had cavities, root canal work done, etc. In alot of cases, people just have so many problems that they have to get them pulled and go with dentures if the teeth haven
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