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remedy for toothache?

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remedy for toothache?
well i hv toothache now cos of tooth decay but as today i need to attend to some important matter thus cannot visit dentist. would appreciate someone prescribe a home remedy to ease my tooth pain temporary. thank u!! Best answer: Oh, I feel for you, well i hv toothache now cos of tooth decay but as today i need to attend to some important matter thus cannot visit dentist. would appreciate someone prescribe a home remedy to ease my tooth pain temporary. thank u!!
Best answer:
Oh, I feel for you, I dealt with tooth pain for many years before finally having them pulled and getting an upper denture. Drink from a straw, nothing too cold or acidy. Get some over the counter tooth ache jell. It will help calm the pain, and if you are not allergic, advil worked great for me. Advil/Ibuprophen is a nonsteroidal antiflamitory agent, so it will reduce inflamation. I also had problems with infection, so get to the dentist ASAP for propholactic antibiotics. You dont want infection so close to your brain, could get really bad quick.
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