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exercise for diet

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The first one Exercise to lose weight Guizaijianchi! If there is no persistent state of mind and spirit, Do not exercise to lose weight, 3 days fishing, two days drying net movement of weight loss is bound to be counter-productive once you stop, your not going to cut down the weight, but also the rapid rise up the you do not believe you try.

The second measure A glass of water before and after exercise. Early-chen, or in the evening (scientific analysis of the evening sports more scientific and more effective) before exercise, drink a glass of water first, remember, is not drinking water! Small amplitude movement, which began gently to the substantial strenuous exercise until covered with sweat. Rest for half an hour after exercise, drink a glass of water, remember, is not drinking water. (Why? Themselves want it, such a good metabolism, such a good blood circulation, strange if it did not lose weight!)

The third measure Sports have law. Regularity mentioned here do not mean the movement time, but to sports projects. This is according to their own conditions and circumstances to improve the planning and constantly sum up. My law of motion: trot, limb movement, head and waist movement; kick (direct kick, side kick, bladder kick, kick shells) jump (a total of three jumps). Day cycle, over time, naturally into the habit, formed a good law of motion and action and stick to it, harvest Dingfeng. Prevention

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