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How bad are these Cholesterol readings?

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How bad are these Cholesterol readings?
Cholesterol = 276 Triglycerides = 257 HDL = 47 LDL = 178 CHOL/HDL = 5.9 LDL/HDL = 3.8 Best answer: your LDL is your bad cholesterol. Your HDL is your good cholesterol. It is thought that your HDL carries cholesterol away from the heart and back to th Cholesterol = 276
Triglycerides = 257
HDL = 47
LDL = 178
CHOL/HDL = 5.9
LDL/HDL = 3.8
Best answer:
your LDL is your "bad" cholesterol. Your HDL is your "good" cholesterol. It is thought that your HDL carries cholesterol away from the heart and back to the liver where it can be metabolized, and that it helps in preventing heart attacks. Your LDL is the "junk" that gathers up and forms plaque, which can clog arteries, and heart attacks and stroke, if the plaque loosens and moves in the body. Generally, your total cholesterol is supposed to be under 200. One way to reduce your total cholesterol is to raise your HDL--eat fish, and lower your LDL--eat oatmeal, cut out fatty foods, exercise. Your cholesterol is high, obviously you have been to the doctor, they may want to put you on a cholesterol lowering medication such as lipitor until the levels come down. For good info, see Hope this was helpful.
Best answer:
my mom just went through this.
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