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I would like to know about Flax seeds?

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I would like to know about Flax seeds?
Best answer: I just come from my naturopathic doctor and we just talked about this. I went there to get help in losing weight. She has put me on a whole bunch of supplements, and flaxseed is one of them. I am using the flaxseed meal (which is just t
Best answer:
I just come from my naturopathic doctor and we just talked about this. I went there to get help in losing weight. She has put me on a whole bunch of supplements, and flaxseed is one of them. I am using the flaxseed meal (which is just the grounded seeds), and add it to my soy, fruit shake I make very day.

The great thing about the flaxseed meal is that it has both the oil and the gound seeds, and it is also way cheaper than just the oil. It is high in fiber and keeps your bowels moving, so you don
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