What are the precautions with exercise for people with heart disease, and why th - health Ask
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What are the precautions with exercise for people with heart disease, and why th

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What are the precautions with exercise for people with heart disease, and why th
Best answer: Someone being aware that they have heart disease means that at some point they have been under a doctor¡¯s care and that relationship should be continued. I speak from experience in that just over 15 years ago I had a heart attack and f
Best answer:
Someone being aware that they have heart disease means that at some point they have been under a doctor¡¯s care and that relationship should be continued.

I speak from experience in that just over 15 years ago I had a heart attack and flat lined twice. Today I¡¯m still taking certain types of medication and . . . . . . doing exercise.

I walk, use an exercise bike during inclement weather, lift weights and do Tai Chi Chuan and I work.

I also watch my weight and eat a balanced diet. It helps diet in that I am also a type 2 diabetic who has to eat a good diet.

Of course this is under the doctor¡¯s care.

Having a heart condition doesn¡¯t necessarily mean that you become a coach potato, you simply become more aware of life style. However you live life to the fullest extent possible.
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