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can anxiety?

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can anxiety?
can anxiety cause you to think that u mit hav somethin ,lika an STD and can it make feel like you u have it fo sure by showin symptoms of that type of STD Best answer: Hello, That answer is yes. Psychoanalysis is your answer. The history of psychoana can anxiety cause you to think that u mit hav somethin ,lika an STD and can it make feel like you u have it fo sure by showin symptoms of that type of STD
Best answer:

That answer is yes. Psychoanalysis is your answer.

The history of psychoanalysis is full of cases of people with severe physical symptoms which appear to have no organic cause (i.e. their labs are all negative), and which persist until some psychological movement is attained. Some people (called hypochondriacs) have this illness their whole life.

They become obsessed with every symptom and continually shop for a doctor who will take their illnesses seriously.
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