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hi, i am 29 yrs old, 205 lb 5

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hi, i am 29 yrs old, 205 lb 5
i chekced now for almost a week and it stays on it is it normal because the machine say 140/75 is normal and my heart rate was 100 pls advise Best answer: above 180/90 is consideed as hypertnsion but even your heart rate is high answer my question is i chekced now for almost a week and it stays on it is it normal because the machine say 140/75 is normal and my heart rate was 100 pls advise
Best answer:
above 180/90 is consideed as hypertnsion but even your heart rate is high answer my question is this first time you checked your blood pressure? or it was same when you were a kid if it same i think you are normal cos do you know how noramal was set? they took 50 guys and mesured their bllod pressure tempratue and hr etc took an average and arrived at a normal range so you may be noraml but i suggest you to vist a doc cos you ahve tachycardia and little high blood presure it can be the tension situation you might be going around now a days.
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