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what cause heart muscle spasm? what the best remedy for it and its prevention?

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what cause heart muscle spasm? what the best remedy for it and its prevention?
Best answer: First let me say I work in Cardiology so please follow up. We I have never heard anyone discribe a heart spasm, so I can not offer much help. That said, it is possible to have coronary artery spasms, the are caused by many things cocain
Best answer:
First let me say I work in Cardiology so please follow up.
We I have never heard anyone discribe a heart spasm, so I can not offer much help. That said, it is possible to have coronary artery spasms, the are caused by many things cocaine being one of the most common and deadly. You should call 911 and go to the ER now if it is on-going. If not you should make an appointment and get seen SOON.
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