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Can mixing Singular and Claritin cause an allergic reaction?

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Can mixing Singular and Claritin cause an allergic reaction?
A co-worker had an apparent allergic reaction, and the culprit unknown. She was taking Singular, and asked the pharmacist if she could also take Claritin. The pharmacist told her that was not a problem. She did take a generic version of Claritin, and A co-worker had an apparent allergic reaction, and the culprit unknown. She was taking Singular, and asked the pharmacist if she could also take Claritin. The pharmacist told her that was not a problem. She did take a generic version of Claritin, and approximately 5 hours later the allergic reaction began, swelling of the face, itching, redness. She can think of nothing else that could have possibly cause the reaction. Her husband was with her all evening and had no sypmtons of any kind. Could mixing the two medicines have caused the reaction, and could taking the generic medicine be a factor.
Best answer:
NO, mixing Singular (a luekotriene blocker) with Claritin (an H1 histamine blocker) will not cause an allergic reaction, and many many people take both drugs without any problems. And generic drugs are the basically the same as name-brand, so that isn
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