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Cervical Cancer?

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Cervical Cancer?
Do you know anyone who has/had this cancer. How long can one live when diagnosed with it? Can it be treated and what are the chances it will return? Best answer: First off you should know that cervical cancer has been linked to HPV (genital warts). S Do you know anyone who has/had this cancer. How long can one live when diagnosed with it? Can it be treated and what are the chances it will return?
Best answer:
First off you should know that cervical cancer has been linked to HPV (genital warts). Secondly, cervical cancer can be treated and many women recover fully from it and go on to live long healthy lives. One of the most common forms of treatment is a hysterectomy although other methods are used. Chances of survival depend on how widespread the cancer is and the treatment used.
Best answer:
MLT student
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