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Colon cancer, what are the symptoms? What is the treatment?

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Colon cancer, what are the symptoms? What is the treatment?
Best answer: With proper screening, colon cancer should be detected BEFORE the development of symptoms, when it is most curable. Most cases of colon cancer have no symptoms. The following symptoms, however, may indicate colon cancer: Diarrhea, const
Best answer:
With proper screening, colon cancer should be detected BEFORE the development of symptoms, when it is most curable.

Most cases of colon cancer have no symptoms. The following symptoms, however, may indicate colon cancer:

Diarrhea, constipation, or other change in bowel habits that does not resolve
Blood in the stool
Unexplained anemia (anemia in any adult who is not a menstruating woman should almost always be evaluated by a colonoscopy)
Abdominal pain and tenderness in the lower abdomen
Intestinal obstruction
Weight loss with no known reason
Stools narrower than usual

Treatment depends partly on the stage of the cancer. This means how far the tumor has spread through the layers of the intestine, from the innermost lining to outside the intestinal wall and beyond:

Stage 0: Very early cancer on the innermost layer (more accurately considered a precursor to cancer)
Stage I: Tumor in the inner layers of the colon
Stage II: Tumor has spread through the muscle wall of the colon
Stage III: Tumor that has spread to the lymph nodes
Stage IV: Tumor that has spread to distant organs

Stage 0 colon cancer may be treated by cutting out the lesion, often via a colonoscopy. For stages I, II, and III cancer, more extensive surgery to remove a segment of colon containing the tumor and reattachment of the colon is necessary. (See colon resection.) This procedure only rarely requires a colostomy.

Almost all patients with stage III colon cancer, after surgery, should receive chemotherapy (adjuvant chemotherapy) with a drug known as 5-fluorouracil given for approximately 6 - 8 months. This drug has been shown to increase the chance of a cure. There is some debate as to whether patients with stage II colon cancer should receive chemotherapy after surgery, and patients should discuss this with their oncologist.

Chemotherapy is also used for patients with stage IV disease in order to shrink the tumor, lengthen life, and improve the patient
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