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Hi, I have had swollen tonsils and feels like my ears are plugged for awhile now

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Hi, I have had swollen tonsils and feels like my ears are plugged for awhile now
I am wondering if I have allergies, or if its an infection? my docter told me my ears were fine, but they are clearly not. It started about 2 months ago? and it comes and goes, I get dizzy sometimes? Best answer: Get a second opinion. Go to and E.N.T I am wondering if I have allergies, or if its an infection? my docter told me my ears were fine, but they are clearly not. It started about 2 months ago? and it comes and goes, I get dizzy sometimes?
Best answer:
Get a second opinion. Go to and E.N.T.(ear, nose, Throat) specialist. Your throat, ears and nose are all connected. If your ears are feeling clogged, it could be caused by the swollen tonsils. You may not necessarily have an EAR infection, but it sounds like the Eustachian tube in your ears are clogged. Try gargling with very warm salt water about twice a day. But definitely see the Doc. Are you on Antibiotics? If so this may clear the problem with your ears. You should consider a Tonsillectomy, my son has never had any more problems with his ears since he had his tonsils out. GOOD LUCK TO YOU.
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