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I have a sore throat and don

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I have a sore throat and don
Had strep throat all of time when I was a kid. Best answer: Look at your throat in a well-lighted mirror. If your tonsils look swollen or have white patches, definitely get it checked out. You should also get it checked out if you are having difficul Had strep throat all of time when I was a kid.
Best answer:
Look at your throat in a well-lighted mirror. If your tonsils look swollen or have white patches, definitely get it checked out. You should also get it checked out if you are having difficulty swallowing (dysphagia).

It could just be nasal drainage. Try sleeping with a humidifier tonight and drink lots of tea. If it is still sore in a day or two with no new symptoms, then you may want to see your doctor.
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