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I have suddenly developed CHOCOLATE allergy....any remedies?

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I have suddenly developed CHOCOLATE allergy....any remedies?
I start sneezing uncontrollably about 15-20 minutes after having chocolatesIs there any non-allopathic remedy? Best answer: You need to go to your doctor and get allergy testing done! Take my advice, I was diagnosed with allergies when I was a very y I start sneezing uncontrollably about 15-20 minutes after having chocolatesIs there any non-allopathic remedy?
Best answer:
You need to go to your doctor and get allergy testing done! Take my advice, I was diagnosed with allergies when I was a very young child. I have to have allergy shots 2 times a week for them!!! You really need to get checked out. Allergies can be very dangerous.
Best answer:
Mother of 2, 1 with allergies
I have allergies
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