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I think I might have Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. Where in Maine can I find a

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I think I might have Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. Where in Maine can I find a
I just started a new job, and when I am there, my eyes are dry, my throat is dry and I cough a lot. Also, when my girlfriend wears skin lotion or perfume, my throat gets really dry and I breathe it and it feels like my nose dries up (and I get a bad I just started a new job, and when I am there, my eyes are dry, my throat is dry and I cough a lot. Also, when my girlfriend wears skin lotion or perfume, my throat gets really dry and I breathe it and it feels like my nose dries up (and I get a bad taste in my mouth). Does this sound like MCS? And if so, where can I find a doctor knowlegable about it? (I live in Maine). Also, I have had an allergy test, and I am allergic only to pollen (and Maine has no pollen this time of year). Plus, how can you be allergic to smells?
Best answer:
YES! I also have MCS (as a result of 52 years of undiagnosed Celiac Disease (an autoimmune disease that damages the small intestine).

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