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Is my dad going to die?

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Is my dad going to die?
My dad is 63. He has had diabetes and scerosis of the liver for probably at least 15 years. Last week is liver stopped functioning properly. He was retaining water. They had to drain 33 pounds from liquid from his abdomal area and than another 12 pou My dad is 63. He has had diabetes and scerosis of the liver for probably at least 15 years. Last week is liver stopped functioning properly. He was retaining water. They had to drain 33 pounds from liquid from his abdomal area and than another 12 pounds another day. He has had a blood transfusion and every test imaginable done. He has a liver biopsy yesterday. His daughter suspects liver cancer but is waiting on the cancer specialist to confirm. What can I expect? Is he going to die soon? Is there any possibilities his condition is manageable for a certain amount of time? How long? Please no rude and cold-hearted, or sarcastic remarks and answers. With my respect. >

Best answer:
10 months ago
Sorry, his doctor suspects cancer. I am his daughter.
Best answer:
Liver disease can be a very difficult problem to deal with for people. As long as you stay in touch with his doctors and get him all the services and care he needs, you will ensure that his condition is optimized.

Your father has Cirrhosis. This is a chronic liver diseases (usually due to Hepatitis) where the normal liver cells are damaged and replaced by scar tissue. Basically, the amount of normal liver tissue is decreased. Liver disease is common in the US (ranked 8th as a cause of death in the United States).

Your dad
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