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My Friend just told me they have cancer, what should I say to them?

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My Friend just told me they have cancer, what should I say to them?
I am the only person they have told this to. We work for the same company and I want to be someone they can trust. Best answer: The best thing u can do is just be there for them. Dont push it too much, let them know you are there to listen and wait f I am the only person they have told this to. We work for the same company and I want to be someone they can trust.
Best answer:
The best thing u can do is just be there for them. Dont push it too much, let them know you are there to listen and wait for them to tell u how they feel. It shows that u must be very close to them as they obviously trust you with their secret and are probably in shock about it themself still.

My ex-boyfriend had cancer and I know it can be a very very difficult time, not just for the person suffering but also for those around them and close to them. Your friend is probably feeling a range of emotions at the moment and maybe just needs someone to confide in. People can sometimes get very angry or very quiet when they find out something like this, so if your friend starts acting wierd, try to not to take it personally.

I really feel for your friend because I know what a hard time it must be for them. You also need to look after yourself too, its not easy news to hear and although u may not be experiencing it physically, u will prob feel just as emotionally upset and shocked. The best advice i can give is just to be there to listen and keep their secret. There is nothing that you can say that will change what has happened. Sometimes if u really want to help them and get them to talk, just talk about the facts of the illness (eg.what type of cancer/treatment/stage of progression etc.. )sometimes by the person talking about the facts, it helps them to come to terms with it themself and also brings out their feelings.

Hope this helps you in some way
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