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My allergies are starting up..Like I am sneezing and I have a dry throat..What c

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My allergies are starting up..Like I am sneezing and I have a dry throat..What c
I can not take pills and my mom will not buy me medicine! Is there anything I can do..Also how long is the allergie season??? Best answer: drugs may help u to interrupt an acute condition, but with allergy the best treatment is to stay away from the I can not take pills and my mom will not buy me medicine! Is there anything I can do..Also how long is the allergie season???
Best answer:
drugs may help u to interrupt an acute condition, but with allergy the best treatment is to stay away from the allergens. dust, pollen, smoke, cigarettes, and fungi, but also some perfumes, or any funny smell can trigger your allergic reaction.but also many other things (animal hair, feathers, hay,..... etc.). also humidity and hot weather can aggravate the condition. some people take quiet some time to discover the cause of their allergy, but your are your best doctor and you can discover the cause of your allergy by close observation and try to stay away from it (or if unavoidable be exposed to it the shortest time possible).
also drinking plenty of plain water, eating healthy food with as much fresh vegetables and fruits can help keep up your system, thus making it stronger to the allergens.
the worst time for pollen allergy are May June July...
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