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What causes the drastic weight loss which often precedes (and can indicate)a can

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What causes the drastic weight loss which often precedes (and can indicate)a can
Often people get a drastic weight loss just before being diagnosed with cancer and in fact sudden weight loss is a cancer danger signal. Since all cancers are not gastric in origin, yet the weight loss seems to be common wherever in the body the canc Often people get a drastic weight loss just before being diagnosed with cancer and in fact sudden weight loss is a cancer danger signal. Since all cancers are not gastric in origin, yet the weight loss seems to be common wherever in the body the cancer eventually turns out to be, what is it that causes weight to drop off?
Best answer:
Depending on where the cancer is located, the disease itself may interfere with the gastrointestinal tract or cause imbalances in the body by overproducing or underproducing hormones that control metabolic activities. Cancer cells can produce toxins in the body to make you lose your appetite. Your body may also be expending a lot of energy trying to fight off the cancer. It can also be stress related.
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