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how can i live my life i know i am just guest of some years or some months or so

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how can i live my life i know i am just guest of some years or some months or so
nothing special in my life what can i do that i can forget it that i have to die Best answer: Stop thinking about dying and get out there and start living. If you have nothing special think about what it is that you would want and then think about ho nothing special in my life what can i do that i can forget it that i have to die
Best answer:
Stop thinking about dying and get out there and start living. If you have nothing special think about what it is that you would want and then think about how you could make taht come about and then go to it.

You gotta die we all do no one gets out alive so face it and forget it How by occupying your mind with the business of living. When you find your self thinking about dying say" Yes I am going to die someday but until that day comes I am going to........... and fill in what you want to do.

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