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is antiperspirant deodrant harmfull?

From:Internet   By:Internet  

is antiperspirant deodrant harmfull?
i read in an article that antiperspirant deodrant could cause breast cancer for women. is that true? Best answer: Articles in the press and on the Internet have warned that underarm antiperspirants or deodorants cause breast cancer. The reports have i read in an article that antiperspirant deodrant could cause breast cancer for women. is that true?
Best answer:
Articles in the press and on the Internet have warned that underarm antiperspirants or deodorants cause breast cancer. The reports have suggested that these products contain harmful substances, which can be absorbed through the skin or enter the body through nicks caused by shaving. Some scientists have also proposed that certain ingredients in underarm antiperspirants or deodorants may be related to breast cancer because they are applied frequently to an area next to the breast.

However, researchers at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) are not aware of any conclusive evidence linking the use of underarm antiperspirants or deodorants and the subsequent development of breast cancer. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, which regulates food, cosmetics, medicines, and medical devices, also does not have any evidence or research data that ingredients in underarm antiperspirants or deodorants cause cancer.
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