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just before dying from cancer my sister had a big burst of energy like every thi

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just before dying from cancer my sister had a big burst of energy like every thi
She had ovarian cancer stage IV. Best answer: My mum was released from hospital to die at home with stage IV ovarian cancer. She died 12 days later. In these days we were actually hoping that she might live a few more weeks or perhaps even months bec She had ovarian cancer stage IV.
Best answer:
My mum was released from hospital to die at home with stage IV ovarian cancer. She died 12 days later. In these days we were actually hoping that she might live a few more weeks or perhaps even months because she kept getting better and stronger, her operation wound was healing and she was so alive. Her energy drained away only 2 days before her death.
I have been told by a nurse that this is not uncommon - a fair amount of dying people get a final burst of energy before death.
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