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no masturbation leads to prostate cancer?

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no masturbation leads to prostate cancer?
Have we actually proven that if males do not masturbate it will increase our chance of getting cancer? or have we proven that prostate cancer is reduced if we do masturbate? Best answer: I tend to agree with Mark the Nurse. I remembering reading a st Have we actually proven that if males do not masturbate it will increase our chance of getting cancer? or have we proven that prostate cancer is reduced if we do masturbate?
Best answer:
I tend to agree with Mark the Nurse. I remembering reading a study that found decreased prostate cancer risks in association with more frequent ejaculations. However, I just did a quick search on Pubmed/Medline and could not find that study.

I did find a study by researchers with the National Cancer Institute and published in the April 7, 2004 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). Here is what they concluded from the data they reviewed:
"Our results suggest that ejaculation frequency is not related to increased risk of prostate cancer."

Hope this was helpful. Best wishes.
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