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what could white cell count 13.9 mean and 9.7 neutro blood count?

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what could white cell count 13.9 mean and 9.7 neutro blood count?
Best answer: Like most of answerers, a normal WBC range is 5-10. So, 13.9 is high, but not as high as it could be with diseases such as cancer. White blood cells help the body fight infections and disease. Neutrophils is one of five specific types o
Best answer:
Like most of answerers, a normal WBC range is 5-10. So, 13.9 is high, but not as high as it could be with diseases such as cancer. White blood cells help the body fight infections and disease. Neutrophils is one of five specific types of white blood cells and are the first line of cellular defense against bacterial infection. Neutrophils should comprise 55-70% of the total white blood cells, so your neutrophils are normal for the total amount of white blood cells currently in your system.

A doctor obviously ordered the lab work, so you should speak with him/her regarding the results. When interpreting lab work, many things need to be taken into consideration, not just two values. Good luck!
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