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what is aka herpes simplex virus and how it effects?

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what is aka herpes simplex virus and how it effects?
Best answer: cold sores and genital herpes are both examples of the herpes simplex virus. 1 is a cold sore, 2 is genital herpes. Being a virus, it stays with you forever and may periodically break out in either place, due to stress, illness etc. It
Best answer:
cold sores and genital herpes are both examples of the herpes simplex virus. 1 is a cold sore, 2 is genital herpes. Being a virus, it stays with you forever and may periodically break out in either place, due to stress, illness etc. It is very contagious when you have open sores and for a short period before the sores actually break out(call the prodrome period). If you know someone with either kind, use protection. Once you have it, you have the displeasure of owning it.
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