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what is celiac disease?

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what is celiac disease?
Best answer: Most of the information in here is correct. Please do not self diagnose yourself with this disease however; it will make it hard to get an offical diagnosis. The only way to have it offically diagnosed is via Endoscopy with Duodenal Bio
Best answer:
Most of the information in here is correct. Please do not self diagnose yourself with this disease however; it will make it hard to get an offical diagnosis. The only way to have it offically diagnosed is via Endoscopy with Duodenal Biopsy to confirm via villi. There are lab titers that can be drawn such as, TTG, IGA, IGG and Serum IGA to determine if you are in danger of having this disease. The TTG is the most common indicator of the disease. The IGG can be falsely positive in up to 3/4 of the population and even higher in other races. Prometheus Labs out of CA does a celiac panel that is pretty popular amongst providers; but can be spendy for the patient. Prometheus will also do a celiac gene test, to see if the pt has the gene present to have the disease. The Gliadin antibodies are the strongest lab markers today for tracing the possibility of having the disease. Also, Celiac Disease is also VERY common in pt
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