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whats the name of the treatment thats kinda like kemo, a friend of mine is getti

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whats the name of the treatment thats kinda like kemo, a friend of mine is getti
Best answer: is it called herception? they give it to you like chemo but it just got fda approved im getting that you dont have the side affects like chemo..i had the regular chemo where my hair fell out and stuff. but the only side affect to thsi y
Best answer:
is it called herception? they give it to you like chemo but it just got fda approved im getting that you dont have the side affects like chemo..i had the regular chemo where my hair fell out and stuff. but the only side affect to thsi you have to have a heart scan every 3 months incase of heart failer.. they give this new treatment when your cancer is her2 ... hope this helped other people s answer they give radation with chemo ....
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