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why cancer patient wii lost their hairs when they undergo chemothrerapy?

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why cancer patient wii lost their hairs when they undergo chemothrerapy?
Best answer: Cancer is uncontrolled, disorganized cell growth, usually at a rate more rapid than normal cell growth/repair. Chemotherapy works by targeting the most rapidly dividing cells. Unfortunately, this is not a perfect method. There are some
Best answer:
Cancer is uncontrolled, disorganized cell growth, usually at a rate more rapid than normal cell growth/repair. Chemotherapy works by targeting the most rapidly dividing cells. Unfortunately, this is not a perfect method. There are some cells in the body which normally divide in a controlled manner at a rapid rate. These cells include the hair follicles, cells lining the gastrointestinal tract, and blood cells. These cells are often mistakenly affected by chemotherapy, which causes hair loss, diarrhea, and low blood counts.
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