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Allergy Problems?

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Allergy Problems?
I am allergic to mostly dust and polline and my allergies get really bad in the spring time/summer (like now) only my right eye gets red and waters non stop. I have tried eye drops but all they do is sting, and my nose is runny too and i have medicat I am allergic to mostly dust and polline and my allergies get really bad in the spring time/summer (like now) only my right eye gets red and waters non stop. I have tried eye drops but all they do is sting, and my nose is runny too and i have medication something like rhinobusin. I have contacts so when this happens i have to take them out but my eye doesnt get any better. What can i do?
Best answer:
sadly, you need the drops - the sting is not constant it will go away.

Options: See allergist and have skin test and then get immunotherapy shots; however, until the immune system is reversed you might not get results (remember the shots are just a mix of everything that makes you allergic) so you need to take meds along with the weekly shots.

Stay in A/C area as much as possible. If really bad the doctors will recommend wearing a mask outside (I haven
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