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why is it than when you are ill, it gets a lot worse at night?

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why is it than when you are ill, it gets a lot worse at night?
my little boy isnt very well,but seems to be ok in the day,but at night his temp,gos sky high Best answer: This is because the body has what is called a circadian rhythm. Even without a clock evolution has programmed our bodies to run on approximatel my little boy isnt very well,but seems to be ok in the day,but at night his temp,gos sky high
Best answer:
This is because the body has what is called a circadian rhythm. Even without a clock evolution has programmed our bodies to run on approximately a 24 hour cycle /- 4 hours. A circadian rhythm that synchronises with day-night cycle is called a diurnal rhythm.

Temperature, blood pressure, hormone release,brain activity all follow a pattern during the course of the cycle.

Generally the body activity peaks between about 10 am to 4pm, arousal level and steroid levels are highest. It tails down and is at it
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