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Busted finger. Whadu I do.?

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Busted finger. Whadu I do.?
Hit thumb whith 3lb. sledge hammer from a mediocre swing 4 days ago. A shape of dime-sized half heart wound, down to the meat on bottom of thumb. It seems it has healed, but I can still pull skin back and see the meat. Should I go get stitches or kee Hit thumb whith 3lb. sledge hammer from a mediocre swing 4 days ago. A shape of dime-sized half heart wound, down to the meat on bottom of thumb. It seems it has healed, but I can still pull skin back and see the meat. Should I go get stitches or keep putting bandaids on it?
Best answer:
i think you should go see the doc to make sure that first no infection. and to see if you need stiches.

my dad had to get stiches on his eyebrow because he thought his wound was ok, and he let it get worse. =/
sounds pretty bad, and if the injury, and i think if it
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