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Can I do lift-weighting after I dislocated my shoulder?

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Can I do lift-weighting after I dislocated my shoulder?
I dislocated my shoulder few month ago when I had an event in b-ball game. Currently, its popped (like a sound but not out from its spot-I assumed its muscle with muscle sound) but unhurt when I lay down trying to raise my arm to excercise it. I want I dislocated my shoulder few month ago when I had an event in b-ball game. Currently, its popped (like a sound but not out from its spot-I assumed its muscle with muscle sound) but unhurt when I lay down trying to raise my arm to excercise it. I want to strengthen the shoulder by liftin some weights/go to gym so I can get back to play my basketball again. Is that possible? How to get back 100%?
Best answer:
your best bet is to talk to an athletic trainer if your school has one, or your Dr. so that he/she can refer you to an physical therapist.

They are qualified professionals that can monitor your weight-lifting and track your progress! With the proper instruction and motivation, I don
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