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Really feel i have made a breakthrough here?

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Really feel i have made a breakthrough here?
All down to you lovely people (with the odd exception) Yahoo answers has made my son sit up and take notice of his life. He does not have a computer, so is not familiar with this site, but i have asked a question about him, ptsd................war re All down to you lovely people (with the odd exception) Yahoo answers has made my son sit up and take notice of his life. He does not have a computer, so is not familiar with this site, but i have asked a question about him, ptsd................war related.........and he is now going to get help, based on your answers, he realises he has a problem, no one could tell him before, too pigheaded, thankyou, wish him luck?
Best answer:
I wish him ALL the luck in the world. Seriously,every single bit of luck, every four leafed clover, every horseshoe,every shooting star, and everything else that is considered a good luck sign.

Well done!
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