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how many laxatives can you take in a day and week to lose weight?

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how many laxatives can you take in a day and week to lose weight?
want to lose weight heard that taking laxatives works how bad is this for my system. how much can i take Best answer: I would strongly advise you to find another way of losing weight. Laxative abuse is very dangerous. First of all, most of the weight want to lose weight heard that taking laxatives works how bad is this for my system. how much can i take
Best answer:
I would strongly advise you to find another way of losing weight. Laxative abuse is very dangerous. First of all, most of the weight loss would be water loss and not fat loss. Laxatives can slow down or stop the absorption of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. Lack of these things can make you weak and can lead to severe illnesses. Dehydration is also a problem. Also, you can become dependent on laxatives for regular bowel movements.
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