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Do any of you know any natural remedies for allergies?

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Do any of you know any natural remedies for allergies?
I have taken perscription medicines and over the counter and they all make me so tired!! So I was hoping to find out about some natural cures?? Thank you....=} Best answer: The Homeopathic Remedy SULFUR is a specific head remedy for Allergies without I have taken perscription medicines and over the counter and they all make me so tired!! So I was hoping to find out about some natural cures?? Thank you....=}
Best answer:
The Homeopathic Remedy SULFUR is a specific head remedy for Allergies without any side effects or complications.Below is a list and dosage of Homeopathic Remedies for different types of allergies :-

Allergic to dust,smoke,strong perfumes Histamine 1M weekly(3)hourly

Allergic to bread,acidic food Nat mur.30 or 200 4 hourly

Allergic to beer,malt liquor Kali bich.30 4 hourly

Allergic to dust(asthma) Pothos foe.6 or 30 4 hourly

Allergic to warm boiled milk,fatty pork,(diarrhoea) Sepia 30 or 200 4 hourly

Allergic to milk Magnesia carb.30 or 200 6 hourly

Allergic to cod liver oil Hepar sulph.30 6 hourly

Allergic to aspirin,bad liquor,salt butter,bad eggs,poultry items Carvo veg 30 4 hourly

Allergic to antibiotics Sulphur 30 or 200 6 hourly(3)

Allergic to castor oil Bryonia alb.30 6 hourly

Allergic to coffee Nux vomica.30 4 hourly

Allergic to heat Apis mel.30 4 hourly

Allergic to cold drinks,fruits,rotten food,iodine Arsenic alb 30 4 hourly

Allergic to dampness Dulcamara 30 or 200 4 hourly

Allergic to smell of flowers(asthma) Ailanthus g.6 or 30 4 hourly

Allergic to sweats,fatty meat,onion Thuja oc.30 or 200 6 hourly(3)

Allergic to sugar Argentum nit 30 or 200 6 hourly(3)

Allergic to rice Tellurium 30 or 200 6 hourly

Allergic to cabbage Petroleum 30 or 200 6 hourly

Allergic to cheese Nitri-spiritus dulcis Q or 30 6 hourly

Allergic to cold milk Kali iod 200 6 hourly

Allergic to decayed vegetables Carbo animalis 30 or 200 6 hourly

Allergic to unripe fruits,prunes rheum 200 6 hourly

Allergic to veal Kali nit 200 6 hourly

Allergic to pastry;rich ice-cream,mixed food Pulsatilla 30 4 hourly

Allergic to lemonade Selenium 30 or 200 6 hourly

Allergic to indigestible food,tonque clean,constant nausea Ipecac 30 or 200 6 hourly

Allergic to melons Zingiber 30 4 hourly

Allergic to iodide of potassium Aurum met 30 or 200 6 hourly

Allergic to sugar;bitter food Natrum phos.6X or 30 4 hourly

Incurrent remedy Psorinum 200 or 1M fortnightly(3)

Allergic to vinegar;pickles,sour foods,acids Lachesis 200 weekly(3)

Allergic to strawberries Oxalic acid 30 or 200 weekly(3)

Allergic to oysters Lycopodium 200

Take Care and God Bless !
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