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Is natural medicine really cheaper than big pharma?

From:Internet   By:Internet  

Is natural medicine really cheaper than big pharma? an N.D. who runs or partners in a large, busy practice makes an average estimated income of $80,000 to $90,000 per year--and may make upwards of $200,000. doesnt sound much different than an MD. also, the "an N.D. who runs or partners in a large, busy practice makes an average estimated income of $80,000 to $90,000 per year--and may make upwards of $200,000."

doesnt sound much different than an MD.

also, the herbal products cost very little to produce (probably pennies) and the companies dont have to pay for research and regulation like traditional drug companies do.

anyway, my point is natural medicine is as big or bigger of a rip off than "big pharma" so for those of you who constantly whine about how "big pharma" is so much more expensive and not about treating things, well, there you have it.... >

Best answer:
5 months ago
oh, and i forgot to add that 80-90% of natural/homeopathic stuff doesnt even work
Best answer:
5 months ago
helo pilot: your immune system can clear up infections on its own. traditional antibiotics dont work that well on prostate infections so i beleive you when you say the antibiotics failed, but the pomegranate probably didnt work either
Best answer:
5 months ago
bmac: i totally agree with you. i dont mind people trying herbals for minor aches and pains, but i think the people who push herbal medicine for serious stuff like cancer are dangerous and should be jailed.
Best answer:
Cheaper? There
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