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Which teeth whitening system or product?

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Which teeth whitening system or product?
is most effective that you can buy @ the store? Please give me your personal experiences with using them. THANKS! Best answer: Here is an important WARNING. I used Listerine Whitening Pre-Brush rinse, completely in accordance with the instructions (r is most effective that you can buy @ the store?

Please give me your personal experiences with using them.

Best answer:
Here is an important WARNING.

I used Listerine Whitening Pre-Brush rinse, completely in accordance with the instructions (rinse full strength for 60 seconds, maximum twice a day, just before brushing).

After a couple of weeks, my teeth got a little brighter ... but then ... suddenly a couple of my molars got VERY SENSITIVE to anything cold or sweet. I did a little research, and found out the active ingredient in the rinse (Hydrogen Peroxide) causes this side effect in many people. It is harsh on your tooth enamel and can tweak nerves that lie just under your tooth enamel.

I stopped using the product right away, and within a week, the sensitivity luckily went away.

I would be very cautious about using any teeth whitening products. Tooth sensitivity and gum damage/irritation are common side effects. Some gum damage is not reversible - scary! BEWARE! DO RESEARCH!
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