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Dairy Allergy?

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Dairy Allergy?
I have a problem with any foods that are or contain dairy and I would like to know if anyone has or has heard of it effecting their ears and/or balance. I do suffer from chronic sinus problems and know that this is probably a culprit but have never h I have a problem with any foods that are or contain dairy and I would like to know if anyone has or has heard of it effecting their ears and/or balance. I do suffer from chronic sinus problems and know that this is probably a culprit but have never heard of anyone having this problem. Thanks in advance.
Best answer:
Yes I have a similar problem. I have resolved it long ago by controlling my diet. I do that by reading all the package labels of prepared foods and preparing much of my diet from scratch.

Of course the best thing to do is see your doctor. Your situation may not have anything to do with mine.
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