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Does anyone have an allergy to Oak?

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Does anyone have an allergy to Oak?
My daughter has been diagnosed with several food and environmental allergies, I am in the process of getting her referred (the good ole HMO) to an allergist. I would like to know when the allergy is the worst and what to expect. I appreciate any inpu My daughter has been diagnosed with several food and environmental allergies, I am in the process of getting her referred (the good ole HMO) to an allergist. I would like to know when the allergy is the worst and what to expect. I appreciate any input. Thanks!
Best answer:
I guess you mean oak tree. I am allergic to them. My allergies are worse in the spring, because the trees are budding and pollen is flying around. I take allergy shots and they really seem to help. I am allergic to most trees, grass, weeds, mold, and animals. My allergies are bad in the spring and fall. Good luck, allergies can really make you miserable.
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