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Does body hair fall out during chemo?

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Does body hair fall out during chemo?
I know that when most people undergo chemo, their hair on the head falls out/thins. But, does body hair also. An accuatence just started chemo, so it is on my mind. Hope no one is offended. Just an honest question. > Best answer: 10 months ago My sis I know that when most people undergo chemo, their hair on the head falls out/thins. But, does body hair also. An accuatence just started chemo, so it is on my mind. Hope no one is offended. Just an honest question. >

Best answer:
10 months ago
My sister and I figured as much. We have a 75% chance of breast cancer. So, when we found out about our accuaintance; sparked a conversation where this subject came up. I told her one upside would be that I wouldn
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