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what does the last stage of lung cancer consists of?

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what does the last stage of lung cancer consists of?
> Best answer: 10 months ago I mean stage IV,this is where my family member is at at this time. Best answer: 10 months ago I mean what is the patient going threw in stageIV,what kind of pain will she be in? Best answer: The last stage of lung cancer >

Best answer:
10 months ago
I mean stage IV,this is where my family member is at at this time.
Best answer:
10 months ago
I mean what is the patient going threw in stageIV,what kind of pain will she be in?
Best answer:
The last stage of lung cancer is stage III. It is when the cancer has spread to other organs and lymph tissue and cannot be removed without surgery. It also means that it might be anywhere in the body and not just in the places it is discovered - so you can have surgery and then find that it is other places as well.

I am very sorry if you are researching because someone you know has cancer or you think you might.

Quitting smoking is hard - it is worth it.
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