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How common is female breast cancer (e.g. x/100) and how many survive 5 years aft

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How common is female breast cancer (e.g. x/100) and how many survive 5 years aft
Best answer: Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women, other than skin cancer. It is the second leading cause of cancer death in women, after lung cancer. About 212,920 women in the United States will be found to have invasive breast canc
Best answer:
Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women, other than skin cancer. It is the second leading cause of cancer death in women, after lung cancer.

About 212,920 women in the United States will be found to have invasive breast cancer in 2006. About 40,970 women will die from the disease this year. Right now there are slightly over 2 million women living in the United States who have been treated for breast cancer.

The chance of a woman having invasive breast cancer some time during her life is about 1 in 8. The chance of dying from breast cancer is about 1 in 33. Breast cancer death rates are going down. This decline is probably the result of finding the cancer earlier and improved treatment.

After the first course of treatment is finished, it is very important to keep all follow-up visits to your doctor. Be sure and tell the doctor about any symptoms or side effects that concern you.

At first, these visits are scheduled every 4 to 6 months. The longer you are free of cancer, the less often you will need visits. After 5 years, visits are usually once a year. You should have a mammogram of the remaining breast and the breast treated with lumpectomy.

More than likely, if it was found pretty earlier and your spouse has good care, your spouse has an EXCELLENT chance of coming through this fine.

Be there for your spouse, talk to her. She is going through alot right now, and you probably are too. The best thing is communication.

Good luck!
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my grandma survived breast cancer
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