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How do I know if my 9 month old has mold allergies?

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How do I know if my 9 month old has mold allergies?
My 9 month old and my 18 month old are currently staying with me at my mother-in-laws until we sell our house. The children have had runny noses and cold symptoms. I just found out that there is mold growing on the walls in the basement and her dryer My 9 month old and my 18 month old are currently staying with me at my mother-in-laws until we sell our house. The children have had runny noses and cold symptoms. I just found out that there is mold growing on the walls in the basement and her dryer is venting into a room in the basement. Can this be harmful to my children?
Best answer:
Yes, mold is very dangerous to kids. breathing to much in can be hamful i suggest buying cleaning supplies and gloves and try to clean it off. most of the time mold comes from water. the dampest part of the wall is where the mold will grow. that doesnt mean it will grow on all of your damp walls.
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