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Is it true that if u eat 2 much mustard

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Is it true that if u eat 2 much mustard
Best answer: that sounds stupid... im sure if u buy the crappy kind then yes just b/c they have all sorts of chemicals in them, but im sure in some very indirect way. if u buy the organic kinds its OK. cuz then its just tomato paste and salt for exa
Best answer:
that sounds stupid...
im sure if u buy the crappy kind then yes just b/c they have all sorts of chemicals in them, but im sure in some very indirect way.
if u buy the organic kinds its OK. cuz then its just tomato paste and salt for example, so i dont see why that would cause cancer.
there is actually some stuff about these two PREVENTING cancer, but i think thats bullshit too.
Best answer: see lycopene
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