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what is the treatment for hodgekins disease?

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what is the treatment for hodgekins disease?
Best answer: Treatment for Hodgekins disease A staging evaluation is necessary to determine the treatment plan. Stage I indicates one lymph node region is involved (for example, the right neck). Stage II indicates involvement of 2 lymph nodes on the
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Treatment for Hodgekins disease

A staging evaluation is necessary to determine the treatment plan.

Stage I indicates one lymph node region is involved (for example, the right neck).
Stage II indicates involvement of 2 lymph nodes on the same side of the diaphragm (for example, both sides of the neck).
Stage III indicates lymph node involvement on both sides of the diaphragm (for example, groin and armpit).
Stage IV involves the spread of cancer outside the lymph nodes (for example, to bone marrow, lungs, or liver).
Treatment varies with the stage of the disease. Stages I and II (limited disease) can be treated with localized radiation therapy, with chemotherapy or with a combination of both. Stages III and IV (extensive disease) are treated with a combination of radiation therapy and chemotherapy. The best treatment for an individual patient depends on many factors, and should be discussed in detail with a doctor who has experience treating this disease.

Chemotherapy can cause low blood cell counts, which can lead to an increased risk of bleeding, infection, and anemia. To minimize bleeding, apply ice and pressure to any external bleeding. A soft toothbrush and electric razor should be used for personal hygiene.

Infection should always be taken seriously during cancer treatment, so contact your doctor immediately if fever or other signs of infection develop. Planning daily activities with scheduled rest periods may help prevent fatigue associated with anemia.
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