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My grandfather has cancer and all of the older males in my family have died from

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My grandfather has cancer and all of the older males in my family have died from
> Best answer: 10 months ago My mother died of lung cancer when I was 6 years old which makes me more upset. My Grandfather has the same kind of cancer my great uncle did and so on and so on. I forgot what it was called though.... Best answer: How co >

Best answer:
10 months ago
My mother died of lung cancer when I was 6 years old which makes me more upset. My Grandfather has the same kind of cancer my great uncle did and so on and so on. I forgot what it was called though....
Best answer:
How concerned you should be about this depends on what kind of cancer it is. There are a number of cancers that older men can get that are often left untreated because old age will likely take them before the cancer does. If there is a family history, your grandfathers chances are already improved, because he knew this and probably took steps to get an early diagnosis. This vastly improves the chances of successful treatment if it is appropriate. (If grandpa is 103 and has prostate or bladder cancer, they
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