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Why do we say

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Why do we say
Best answer: Bless you is a common English expression used to wish a person well after sneezing. There are many theories regarding the origin of this custom. One well known and strongly believed theory is that it began as a blessing near the start o
Best answer:
Bless you is a common English expression used to wish a person well after sneezing. There are many theories regarding the origin of this custom. One well known and strongly believed theory is that it began as a blessing near the start of the Plague of Justinian or one of the more minor plagues which followed with the words of Pope Gregory the Great. Crowds took to the streets praying to God and when a person sneezed they were immediately blessed God bless you! for fear that they may be developing symptoms of the plague. Many of the other theories are based on superstitions and urban legends about sneezing and what a sneeze entails. Some well known superstitions that may have brought the phrase bless you into common use are:

The heart stops when you sneeze (it doesn
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