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if sinus cancer has entered into the nasal cavity and eye socket and the inside

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if sinus cancer has entered into the nasal cavity and eye socket and the inside
Best answer: Talk to your Dr. about your prognosis. I do not know any statistics and it depends on the type of Cancer and the stage at which it was found. I will tell you this I worked for an ENT Dr. and I have seen some amazing things happen. There
Best answer:
Talk to your Dr. about your prognosis. I do not know any statistics and it depends on the type of Cancer and the stage at which it was found. I will tell you this I worked for an ENT Dr. and I have seen some amazing things happen. There are many factors involved but the most important is your attitude and how you handle the news, treatment and recovery. I have seen it more than once as a Nurse when the patient gives up, it
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